Retirement Resources

Retirement Resources provides answers to most of your retirement questions.

The information is available on an for $19.95.  Please click register to provide the payment and required information to gain access to the guide.

Retirement is a new stage of life requiring lots of adjustments and decisions. It is a balancing act of coping with change, deciding on new directions to achieve happiness, financial planning, and health. Retirement Resources provides access to exclusive information answering your questions on the following issues:

  • Transition to Retirement
    • Money will be one of the challenges. Most of us haven’t saved enough to comfortably retire and survive through the later years of our lives. We are also not prepared to cope with issues of declining health.
  • Retirement Strategies
    • Commit your retirement planning process to writing. This makes you think more clearly and gives your journey a better chance for success. Try to create and develop a clear vision of what you want or plan to do after you stop working.
  • Financial Planning
    • Financial planning for retirement is critical. There are a few fundamental concepts that every person entering retirement needs to consider
  • Legal Considerations
    • You get a basic overview of  the legal matters that will make life easier as you make your journey through the aging process.
  • Social Security
    • I cover the basics of social security in addition to strategies on how to get the most out of it.
  • Medicare
    • It provides health insurance to retirees at more affordable costs. It is essential that every boomer approaching the age of 65 be aware of Medicare and its programs.
  • Medicaid
    • So what is Medicaid? In simple terms, it is a joint federal-state program to provide for the medical care of certain disadvantaged populations within the United States. All the basics are covered here.
  • Health Issues
    • Health and wellness is a major issue and challenge for aging people. Not only will boomers need to be concerned with their own health and wellness but also that of their parents and other family members. All the basics are covered here.
  • Elder Care
    • The truth is that as we age our physical and mental abilities diminish and prevents us from living and functioning in our normal fashion. This can relate directly to where and how we live. Independent living may no longer be an option.
  • Journey’s End
    • You begin to see signals that things are shifting. The realization hits home that your job isn’t going to last forever. There may be a tendency for your loved one to spend more time sleeping and with less engagement. Dementia might become more prevalent. There will be some good days and some bad days. It operates like a cycle with ups and downs.
  • Other Resources
    • I have researched information including a list of web sites that provide additional information that can be helpful in providing information for certain situations. New information and resources are added on a regular basis.

Each topic is described so you can understand the content. Clicking the the link will take you to the description page. You get access to all the content contained in Retirement Resources with your membership.

Retirement Resources gives you a chance to redesign your future. This should be the best time of our life.  Making that happen requires new thinking. Retirement Resources provides the answers to most of your questions.

Transitioning from work to retirement is an adjustment. Maybe you don’t want to stop working. The reality is that full retirement requires economic support for an unknown time. Social Security isn’t going to cover it. How do you manage the short fall?

I have also researched information including a list of web sites that provide additional information under Other Resources. New retirement information and resources is added on a regular basis.

One on one coaching support on request. Just email at  or call me with your questions.