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Small Business Road Map to Success
August 2nd, 2017
I wanted to share some exciting news about the Small Business Road Map to Success. This program is an introduction to our Small Business Boot Camp.
The Road Map gets you to think about the state and condition of your business. Small businesses need to think about what needs to be done to put their business on the path to increased profit and cash flow. The program helps business owners understand the signs and signals for potential trouble spots so they can take corrective action.
The Boot Camp expands the Road Map by offering more business diagnostic and development assistance. The Small Business Road Map spells out the following 10 Step Approach for focusing on your business:
- Get to the point of pain experienced by the business
- Scope out what needs to be done
- Orient the business to the reality of economic and market conditions
- Manage the scale of the business to fit current and future reality
- Structure debt to maximize cash flow
- Maximize assets to get the most bang for the buck
- Optimize products and services
- Improve employee effectiveness
- Improve productivity of the business
- Change the right processes for the right reasons
The Small Business Road Map is a system that defines profitability in terms of return on investment and takes aim at boosting the return above the cost of that investment. It provides a back to basics approach focusing on long-term results utilizing common sense financial management and business concepts. This approach applies a blend of financial and non-financial measurements to monitor your progress on achieving your business goals and objectives.
The Road Map and Boot Camp addresses the types of corrective that might be required. A business evaluation addresses who you are and what you do. It guides you through the process of where you have been and where you want to be. The process requires a thorough assessment of the current state of the business.
The business development process includes a SWOT assessment (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). This sets the stage for problem identification and solutions. From here, we create a Journey to Results with a road map to achievement.
The Journey to Results includes guidance on making the needed improvements and overcoming resistance to change. Business owners will learn how to work on their business rather working in the business. Training topics include customer service, sales and marketing, operations, business structure, and accounting for results.
The Boot Camp will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates and details.